Autumn Hymn


Autumn like a cathedral

of trees and sunlight in trees

dogs far barking,

the edge of cooling silence.


Autumn lovely in dying

the deep sky bearing up the hawk

crisp fallen leaves mark footsteps,

the ghost of summer moaning in the hedge.


Autumn of golden slanting light

season of whispering cattails

a dry wind from the Hebrides

carries us away into slumber.


Autumn beyond all containment

wild in the night of the half-moon

visiting our beds, lighting up dreams,

dark witches blessing all endeavor.


Autumn crooning us to sleep

carrying us into darkness and silence,

as though it is our final season

he fingers our ivory bones.


Autumn forever, if we could command it,

soaring out over a gray sea

whispering a sweet departure

dragging behind him pale winter’s grasp.